Elite care in the comfort of your home.

Personalized medical care in the Dallas Metroplex.

Nursing, Therapy & Pediatric Services


Skilled nurses provide a variety of services including disease management, post-surgical care, and wound care.  Our experienced case managers will coordinate and help guide each patients plan of care.

Home Health Aide

In conjunction with skilled nursing services and rehabilitation services, trained and certified home health aides provide assistance with bathing, dressing, light meal preparation, and minimal household tasks on a temporary basis.

Private Duty Nursing

Private Duty home care provides a broad range of services from skilled nursing care, home health aides, and homemakers. Their goal is to provide whatever the aged, ill, or disabled or their families need in order for their loved ones to remain independent where they most want to be – in their own home.

Rehabilitive and support services for chronic illness may also be provided, along with a wide array of other services such as home monitoring, case management, specialty nursing programs including wound care, infusion, and behavioral health.

Therapy & Social Work

Physical Therapy

Our licensed physical therapists have a depth of experience in helping patients recover from issues such as fall injuries, joint replacement surgeries, and stroke-related disabilities. Physical therapy services assist the patient in learning how to restore function by training on gait, use of cane, walker, wheelchair, artificial limb, energy conservation, and return to work status.

Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy services assist the patient in learning how to perform daily living skills such as bathing, grooming, dressing, and toileting to help them return to their prior level of independence and mobility. We also conduct a fall risk assessment at the patient’s home and make recommendations to improve patient safety.

Speech Therapy

Speech therapy services assist the patient in restoring language and communication skills to improve quality of life.

Medical Social Worker

Medical social workers consult with the patient regarding financial, social, and/or transportation problems and help establish long term plans, crisis intervention, and counseling.

Speciality Pediatric Services

Gastrostomy Tube Care

Some kids have medical problems that prevent them from being able to take adequate nutrition by mouth. A gastrostomy tube (also called a G-tube) is a tube inserted through the abdomen that delivers nutrition directly to the stomach. It’s one of the ways doctors can make sure kids with trouble eating get the fluid and calories they need to grow.

Tracheostomy Care

Tracheostomy (trach) care is done to ensure your child’s trach tube and the area around it stays clean. This helps prevent a clogged tube and decreases the risk of infection. Trach care includes suctioning and cleaning your child’s skin and parts of the tube. Your caregiver will show you how to care for the trach tube, and what to do in an emergency.

Ventilator Care

Home care nurses are often faced with providing specialty care to adult and pediatric patients with medically complex needs. The most complicated of these patients require the use of a ventilator in order to maintain adequate breathing to sustain their life.

Patients with this level of need require a competent nurse with current knowledge of and experience with the latest medical technology and the ability to work with patients and their families who are experiencing the challenges associated with life with a ventilator.

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